GRANDIOSO, LiveFilharmonia

Symphonic end of the season

NEWS | 14-06-2021
Piotr Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 3 and Jacques Ibert's Symphonie Marine will sound on June 18th at 7:00 PM in the golden hall of the Philharmonic. This way, the Szczecin Philharmonic will end one of the most difficult artistic seasons in the over seventy-year history of the Szczecin Philharmonic. Tickets at the price of PLN 35-55 can be purchased via the website and at the ticket office of the Philharmonic. The concert will also be broadcast on Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20
Over the past few months, we have struggled with many difficulties related to the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, we tried to compensate our music lovers through continuous online concerts and educational activities. Thanks to the support coming from many sides, we managed to get through this difficult period.

On Friday, June 18th at 7:00, the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Rune Bergmann, the artistic director of the Philharmonic. The program of the concert includes two symphonic pieces, completely different in character.

After the first performances of Piotr Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 3, she was given the nickname "Poland". Its last part – an extremely spectacular polonaise – brought to mind the compositions of Fryderyk Chopin that are close to our hearts. The second composition that we will hear during the gala concert will be Symphonie Marine by Jacques Ibert. The French composer depicted the unbridled element of the sea in his symphony in an extremely evocative way and sparkling with many reflections. Both compositions have an excellent orchestration and the ability to show the full sound of the entire ensemble. The choice of songs makes the concert ending the artistic season an unforgettable event.
Please accept our best wishes of having a good rest (not only by the sea) as well as wishes of friendship, shelter and relief brought by music. We would like to thank you for accompanying us all year long, listening to our concerts. And we hope to see you in September!

The gala concert at the end of the season will take place on Friday, June 18th at 7:00 PM in the golden symphony hall of the Philharmonic. Tickets at the price of PLN 35-55 can be purchased via the website and at the Philharmonic ticket office.

The concert will also be available on the platform. Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20.

The Patron of the Year 2021 is PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A

The partner of the concert is the Szczecińska Izba Adwokacka.

The main Partner of the Philharmonic- BMW Bońkowscy

The Supporting Partner Max Mara

November 2024
02NOV '24sa, 12:00
02 NOV, sa, 19:00 - KWARTET JAZZOWY ASAF – AKUSTYCZNA PERŁA STRkoncert zewnętrzny
03NOV '24sn, 12:00
03NOV '24sn, 17:00
EduVerve| Family concertsSensesConcertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
04NOV '24mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
04NOV '24mn, 12:00
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05NOV '24tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
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06NOV '24wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025AwakeningChamber concert
07NOV '24th, 10:00
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07NOV '24th, 12:00
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08NOV '24fr, 19:00
09NOV '24sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
09NOV '24sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
09NOV '24sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
09NOV '24sa, 12:00
10NOV '24sn, 11:00
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10NOV '24sn, 12:00
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TODAY15 NOVfr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025 | Movember 2024About PolandSymphonic concert
TOMORROW16 NOVsa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
TOMORROW16 NOVsa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
TOMORROW16 NOVsa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
TOMORROW16 NOVsa, 12:00
TOMORROW16 NOVsa, 20:00
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18NOV '24mn, 19:00
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19NOV '24tu, 12:00
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21NOV '24th, 19:00
WORLD MUSIC | Rubato 2024/2025Mosaic of CulturesWorld music concert
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23NOV '24sa, 12:00
23NOV '24sa, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
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24NOV '24sn, 12:00
24NOV '24sn, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
24 NOV, sn, 17:30 - NOSOWSKA / KRÓL: TRASA JENIN – PIASECZNOkoncert zewnętrzny
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27NOV '24wd, 18:00
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29NOV '24fr, 19:00
30NOV '24sa, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
December 2024
01DEC '24sn, 12:00
Art.Room | Movember 2024Henryk Sawka. Remember Movember!Exhibition
01DEC '24sn, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025Music LegendsConcert
03DEC '24tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
06DEC '24fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Prayer for PeaceSymphonic concert
07DEC '24sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
07DEC '24sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
07DEC '24sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
11DEC '24wd, 19:00
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12DEC '24th, 12:00
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13DEC '24fr, 19:00
14DEC '24sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
14DEC '24sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
14DEC '24sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
15DEC '24sn, 11:00
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16DEC '24mn, 10:00
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16DEC '24mn, 12:00
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20DEC '24fr, 19:00
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